
Showing posts from April, 2019

Google Apps Script for Developers

Google Apps Script makes it is easy for you to integrate data and functionality from Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, YouTube, and most other Google APIs. Apps Script is JavaScript under the hood so you don’t have to learn a new language and you don’t have to manage any servers since all your code runs on the Google Cloud, not your browser. In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to develop Google Apps Script projects locally on your computer inside Visual Studio Code. You can write your code in modern JavaScript, neatly organized in modules, and the build environment will use Babel and Webpack to transform your code into a version of JavaScript that is compatible with Apps Script. Modern Development with Google Apps Script There are quite a few advantages with having a local development environment vis-a-vis writing code in the Apps Script Cloud IDE. You can write code with ES6 Classes, Arrow Functions, Modules, Destructing and use all the other modern JavaScript features....