
Showing posts from January, 2023

Upload Files from Google Drive to Google Cloud Storage with Google Apps Script

This tutorial describes how you can upload files and folders from your Google Drive to a bucket in Google Cloud Storage using Google Apps Script. You can even set up a time-based trigger, like a cron job, that watches a folder in your Google Drive and automatically upload new incoming files to Google Cloud Storage. The same technique can also be used to upload files from Google Drive to Firebase Storage. Create Google Cloud Storage Bucket To get started, go to and create a new Google Cloud Project. Once the project has been added, go to and create a new bucket. Give your bucket a unique name and select the region where you want to store your data. If the files you are uploading are private and you don’t want to make them public anytime later, you may enable the “Enforce public access prevention on this bucket” option. Create Storage Service Account Next, go to IAM & Admin > Service