How to Create JSON Web Token (JWT) with Google Apps Script
You can use Google Script to create JSON Web Tokens (JWT) that can be provided to secure routes so that only authenticated requests that contain a valid token can connect to the APIs (e.g., the Zoom API ). All JSON Web Tokens have three parts: The header that specifies the hash algorithm that is used for signing and decrypting the JWT. The payload in JSON format that contains all the user data. The iat and exp properties represent the issue date and the expiration time respectively but you can pass any data to the payload. The signature data that allows APIs to establish the authenticity of the access token. The parts are joined with a dot (period) and data is encoded in Base64 using the Utilities.base64EncodeWebSafe method of Apps Script. Create JSON Web Token const createJwt = ( { privateKey , expiresInHours , data = { } } ) => { // Sign token using HMAC with SHA-256 algorithm const header = { alg : 'HS256' , typ : 'JWT'...