How to Create Dynamic Open Graph Images with Google Sheets
An open graph image (OG image) is the image that is displayed when any of your website links are shared on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. You can provide the public URL of the image in the meta tags of your website and social media website will automatically pick up from there. < head > < title > Digital Inspiration </ title > < meta property = " og:image " content = " " /> </ head > Open Graph Images with Puppeteer Github internally use Google’s Puppeteer library to generate dynamic Open Graph images. The images are generated on the fly by feeding custom HTML into Puppeteer which then generates a screenshot . You can view a sample OG image generated by Github in this tweet . Vercel , the company behind Next.js, also uses Puppeteer for their open graph image generator. Headless chromium is used to render an HTML page, a screenshot of the page is captured and the file is cached for ...