How to Sort Google Sheets Automatically with Apps Script
This Google Spreadsheet on Udemy courses has about 50 sheets, one for each programming language, and the sheets are sorted in random order so it is difficult to find a specific sheet. It will take a while to sort the worksheets manually but we can easily automate the process with Google Apps Script and easily navigate through large spreadsheets. Automate Sheet Sorting with Google Apps Script The following code snippet will automatically sort the worksheets in a Google Sheet alphanumerically. The script can arrange the sheets in either ascending or descending order based on the sheet names. To get started, go to Extensions > Apps Script to open the script editor. Then, copy and paste the following code: const sortGoogleSheets = ( ascending = true ) => { const options = { sensitivity : 'base' , ignorePunctuation : true , numeric : true , } ; const compareFn = ( sheet1 , sheet2 ) => { return ascending ? s...